Town of Triangle Town Court

Presiding Justice: Honorable John P. Orzel

Court Phone: 607-692-7013

Court Fax: 607-692-4910

Court Email: [email protected]

Mailing Address: PO Box 289 Whitney Point, NY 13862

Physical Address: 2612 Liberty St. Whitney Point

Have a court date?

Look below for more information.

Answering a Traffic Ticket

How do I answer my traffic ticket?

You may have received a hand-written ticket or a computer-generated ticket. It is the obligation of the receiving motorist to respond to the ticket. If the charges are NOT MISDEMEANORS you can either appear on the date listed on the bottom of the ticket or you may complete section A or B on the ticket to indicate your plea of either guilty or not guilty. You then mail the entire ticket to the court:

Town of Triangle Court
2612 Liberty Street
P.O. Box 289
Whitney Point, NY 13862

If you fail to respond your license may be suspended.
Upon a plea of guilty, a fine and New York State mandated surcharge may be assessed and you will be notified by mail of the amount due and the instructions on how to make payment. Upon a plea of not guilty, you will be sent further information on how to proceed. If you have been charged with a misdemeanor, you must appear in person on the date and time listed on the ticket.

The court will also accept a plea in writing via email to [email protected]

Motorist must include the following in their email to the court:

Date of Birth:
Current Address:
Plea of Guilty OR Not Guilty


2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 4:00PM

Scheduled Pretrials, Non-Jury Trials, Felony & Misdemeanor Arraignments

3rd Thursday of each month. Notices will be sent to advise you of your date and time.

Traffic Infraction or Violation Pleas

If you have entered a NOT GUILTY plea with the court to a traffic infraction or violation please visit the website of the Broome County District Attorney’s office. You have several options to settle these traffic matters without the need of appearing in Court.

Contact information for the district attorney listed below

Questions regarding the traffic diversion program?

Contact them directly via e-mail

Email: [email protected]


Court Clerk Hours

  • Mondays: 11am-5pm
  • Tuesday: 9am-2:30pm
  • Wednesday: 11am-5pm
  • Thursday: 9am-2pm
  • Fridays: 9am-2:30pm

Other Court Related Contacts

Broome County District Attorney’s Office
Post Office Box 1766
45 Hawley Street, 4th Floor
Binghamton, NY 13902
(607) 778-2198

Broome County Public Defender’s Office
PO Box 1766
45 Hawley St., 6th Floor
Binghamton, NY 13902
(607) 778-2403

Broome County Probation
PO Box 1766
Binghamton, NY 13902
(607) 778-2121

New York State Department of Motor Vehicles
(800) CALL-DMV
(518) 474-0774